Monday, November 29, 2010

Catching up Nov 09

Happy Caturday, everyone! Yes, it's me, the patron saint of whatthefukeva, typing a blog, such as it is, here on my page. I know I haven't been around much, and now that things have quieted down just a little bit, I thought I would fill you in on what the hell's been going on. If you are not interested, you may leave now, although before you go answer me this-and then leave me a kudo lol, why did you open this in the first place?!:)

harmonic convergence-that's not what happened to me-actually it was more like a chaotic convergence. Of course my Phillies were in the playoffs and advanced all the way to the WS, and I was lucky enough to attend a couple games in each series. What a ride that was; what a shame we couldn't make it all the way... I really don't want to dissect what happened or who did what-maybe we can talk about it in January or February, but right now I think not. Thanks.

The second thing happening in my world-my pictures! I stumbled on an opportunity to show my pictures (and participate in an opening-type thing) in a gallery of local artists at a local furniture store. So-I've been spending a lot of my free time in the past month or so doing a blog asking for opinions, putting a book of 5X7s together (none of the pics were printed), deciding which ones I want to show, trying to get more logistical information about my participation (like what and when?), getting frames, prints, etc. I'm really enjoying the whole process, BUT today is the day that I commit to all the custom mats for my 16X20 frames I bought yesterday, and also the final 8X10s of the pics. The open house is scheduled for November 14, as far as I know, so if I want to be ready and earn a living too, I have to get my ass in gear TODAY!!!! So please wish me luck. When I know that my pics will definitely hang on the wall, I will post the info so anyone in the area can come see them IN PUBLIC, but until I'm sure I don't want to jinx it.

A couple of new ones, just cause I can

As if the above wasn't enough, I also had a pleasant but exhausting couple weeks at work. Teaching is one of the things I do to keep myself from going stark raving mad at work (you may know I am bored with, and don't believe in, all of it FYI). For many reasons there are a couple things that I ended up being an expert about (my job involves knowing about A LOT of different regulations-and we all have our specialties), and I do have the opportunity to teach one of them to new folks from around the country. This is so much fun in many ways and usually gives me the opportunity to travel around the country to places like San Francisco, Chicago, Minneapolis etc. (you may recall that I was in Minneapolis during last year's world series-here's the link to that story).

BUT this year I didn't travel anywhere-the school was held in Philly! So in addition to the teaching aspect, I was also caught up in the logistical side, AND I still had to drive home 60 miles every night (except for staying in town to go to the world series-whole nother story).

So-this is why I haven't had the time to blog, or even read many blogs here, in several weeks. In fact, even though I did update my status and maybe comment on yours, all myspacing has come from the blackberry-a poor substitute for the real computer.

Now you know what I've been up to, now please tell me what you are up to.

Yes, I subscribe to Miles so I heard some of the fuss about BTR, and I see how many folks changed their name to anonymous (still able to tell who you are BTW ;), although I still don't know what that is all about, and yes that I missed Guy Fawkes day LOL, BUT


Even if you know I subscribe to your blog, PLEASE put a link in my comments here so I can come over this weekend and visit-I miss you all.

Thanks and have a great weekend!

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