Sunday, November 21, 2010

Downbeach diva dirty tricks April 09

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. The weather down the shore is spectacular. It's still a little chilly here close to the ocean, but spring (and summer) is in the air.

Speaking of the shore, Mark told me a little story this morning that really stuck in my craw. Please indulge a little exposition here-Mark and one of his friends (long story and not mine to tell) do a lot of work in rich people's houses here at the beach. If you've seen my ugly house (the downbeach edition is one) blogs you know that all evidence I've ever seen here indicates that taste is inversely proportional to wealth; that is; the richer they are, the more likely I am to think that their house and its decoration is ugly.

Well today's story proves that, at least around here, money breeds rudeness and arrogance as well!
Mark and his friend were setting up in this house yesterday, along with a lot of other contractors; because of course you know that ALL the work must be finished by Memorial Day. Mark was laying a tarp down in the living room when he noticed a $20 bill laying out on the ottoman/table! So why do you think this bill was just laying out there? As a trap, maybe, for some unsuspecting dunce of a contractor?
This pissed me off no end! As a homeowner, you better know enough about the people you have working in your house to know that they a)are too honest to go grabbing at stray money laying around, and/or b)are too smart to fall for any amazing rude and arrogant tricks!
So what do you think? Am I overreacting or is this over the top?

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