Sunday, November 21, 2010

Chopping my hair off again 10/21/07

A bit about my hair and how it keeps me sane.

A couple months ago my hair looked as you see it in the profile picture, long and straight with chunky bangs. I had been wearing it like that for a while and loved it, especially the bangs, but it was summer and the ponytail was really getting oppressive. Paging through a fashion mag, I saw a Gap ad with model Jacquetta Wheeler with this amazing haircut-great bangs, but all chopped off on the back and sides.

I was so taken with it I took in to my hairstylist Alana at Art Is Salon in Brigantine NJ (thanks Alana for your patience and skill!) and started talking about doing something like it. Usually it takes me a while to decide to cut my hair once I get the idea, but this time I was SO ready-in a week I was back in Alana's chair with more pictures of Jacquetta and Siena Miller when she was making Factory Girl, and said let's do it!

What a liberation-the ponytail is gone, gone, gone! It takes me less than half the time to style even though there was a sizable learning curve, especially for a klutz like me, and is so cool and different-I love it.

So, you ask, what does all this have to do with my sanity? It's like this-cutting my hair (or growing it out as the case may be and will be again) is a sometimes drastic change that I can make to my life without really changing anything-I don't have to quit my job or get divorced to put myself into a different frame of mind.
Boredom is my sworn enemy, and it can be difficult to avoid if you also crave normality and a steadiness about life, but hair always grows back, and time is the only obstacle to changing it again. (I have other ways of combating boredom, like a job that requires a lot of travel, but that's another story).

I heartily recommend a new hairstyle for anyone who needs a change in life, especially if you've been walking around with the same hair for a number of years. Go for it!

Old hair New hair-still a work in progress.

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